- angel [ang];
- demon [dem];
- ghost [gho];
- monsters [mon].
The classes are to some extent artificial, i.e. they cannot be inferred directly from the source texts and as such were introduced only secondarily basing on the later Jewish and Christian traditions. To each class a certain number of entities have been assigned. Below are the listings for each of the classes.
Since the names of particular entities function as hashtags in the database, their spelling was formalized, thus "malakhmavet" instead of "malakh mavet", "barshirikapanda" instead of "Bar Shirika Panda", etc. The future editions of the database will resort to even more simplified forms.
If the variants of the particular appellation have been encountered, the database acknowledges only the most popular one (e.g. from among: malakh mavet, malakha demavta, malakh mavta, only the first one is used to denote the angel of death).
For the previous versions of this tab see the following files:
For the previous versions of this tab see the following files: